Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Cute Emo teen Girls Hairstyles
Cute emo girls hairstyles and emo girls cute hairstyles both are different things but when one speaks of emo hairstyles, it is generally true that with newer trends in emo girls hairstyles, emo girls look cute with cutest and hottest hairstyles. If the emo girl is cute, any type of emo hairstyle is going to look cute on her mane. Similarly, if the emo girl is not cute but sports a cute looking and sexy emo hairstyles, she ought to look cute.
Modern day portfolio of emo girls hairstyles include couple of new and cute emo girls hairstyles such as medium wavy hairstyles, short haircuts, curly medium long hairstyles, bob haircuts, and above all, the evergreen and trendy fringe hairstyles with beautiful and gorgeous multi-colored highlights and streaks with tantalizing colors such as strawberry red, copper blonde and golden brown colors. If one were to say that “Cute hairstyles and cute emo girls are made for each other”, there is not an iota of exaggeration in that statement.

Cute Emo Girls Hairstyles
Cute Emo Girls Hairstyles
Cute Emo Girls Hairstyles

Cute Emo Girls Hairstyles

Cute Emo Girls Hairstyles
Cute Emo teen Girls Hairstyles
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Emo young Winter Hairstyles
Emo hairstyle generally demand lots of maintenance during summer seasons. However, emo winter hairstyles are best suited for protecting your hair because emo winter hairstyles are very short and do not involve much styles and hair colors. Emo people have not only become famous due to their unique culture and ideas but also because of their unique hairstyles and fashions. In fact, emo winter hairstyles have carved out some of the best styles and cuts that set them apart from the mainstream crowds, it being the case with emo boys as well as emo girls winter hairstyles.
Emo long hairstyles can not be seen on the manes of emo boys and girls during the winter season. They are very fussy about their hair and they take lots of care of their hair and therefore, you will notice that even during winter, emo boys and girls hair are quite healthy, of course the credit goes to their distinctive emo winter hairstyles.. You can check out few pictures on our site that show amazing new emo winter hairstyles.

Emo youngWinter Hairstyles
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Gothic Lolita
If you haven't already noticed my log-in name, it's LolitaGothica. But a lot of people don't know what Gothic Lolita is! I'd like to give a brief explanation of it~!
Gothic Lolita is a fashion line in Japan that is popular among teenagers and young adults. The style is inspired by Victorian clothing with lots of laces, dark colors or white, parasols, and platform shoes.
Many teenagers on Sundays, go to the famous Harajuku Bridge (It's not really a bridge ^_~) and talk with their friends while getting autographed by tourists.
When you ask a Gothic Lolita (gothloli for short) why they wear these kind's of clothing, they will simply state, "Because it's cute."
I too dress like this but, of course, only at home because I live in USA. ^.^
If you are interested in learning how to dress this way:
How to Dress Harajuku Style
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Harajuku style originated among teens on the streets of the Harajuku Shopping District in Tokyo. It may have been brought to many people's attention by American singer Gwen Stefani, but the evolution of the style certainly didn't begin with her and it certainly won't end with her. Like many "street fashions" it is difficult to characterize, both because it is constantly changing and because it has many manifestations. There is no cookie-cutter approach to the style, but if you want to dress in Harajuku style, here are some guidelines to get you started.
- Mix and (mis)match different fashions. What is now known as Harajuku (like Halloween in Japan every Sunday) style started as teens in the district began to integrate traditional Japanese attire, especially kimonos and geta sandals, into their dress. Before, they wore primarily clothes that were influenced by the West, but by mixing the traditional with the modern, they created a new style. Other examples of mixing and matching including the punk look with the schoolgirl uniform or a goth look with designer clothes. In Harajuku, mixing different styles and mismatching colors and patterns is encouraged--you can do anything you want, as long as your outfit is a thoughtful expression of your individuality (see Tips).
- Become familiar with variations of style in the Harajuku district. It's impossible to pinpoint one "Harajuku style." Many styles have originated or developed on the streets of Harajuku, and many Harajuku girls (and boys) integrate one or more of these somewhat more defined styles into their outfits.
- Gothic Lolita involves wearing gothic, feminine and elegant clothes, to the extent that you look like a living Victorian doll.
- Japanese punks, inspired by the punk movement that began in London in the 70s, magnify rebelliousness with over-the-top clothes, accessories, makeup, and piercings.
- Cosplay entails dressing up like your favorite cartoon/anime or computer game character.
- Decora style favors bright colors, flamboyance and accessories from head to toe. It's almost like the Japanese version of 'scene'.. You decorate yourself with plastic toys and jewelry, and it's not uncommon to have so many that you can hear them click together when the person moves.
- Kawaii (literally translating from Japanese to "cute") places an emphasis on childlike playfulness--anime characters, ruffles, pastel colors, toys, and so on.
- Wamono refers to mixing traditional Japanese attire with Western fashion.
- Gothic Lolita involves wearing gothic, feminine and elegant clothes, to the extent that you look like a living Victorian doll.
- Dress in layers. One of the hallmarks of Harajuku is layering. Sweaters, vests, or jackets over blouses over t-shirts, dresses worn with leggings, and so on. Layering clothes (or giving the appearance of layering by wearing ruffled dresses, for example) allows you to mix and match a wider variety of different styles, and adds more dimension to your outfit.
- Customize your clothes. Secondhand clothing and do-it-yourself styles are popular ingredients in a Harajuku outfit. Like that flowered skirt but think it would look cuter with a ribbon pinned on it or with a more uneven, angular hemline? Get out the scissors and glue and make your store-bought clothes uniquely yours. Or, go even further and make your own skirt. Cutting the fabric to create bold angles and lines can make even a plain black dress appear remarkable and fun.
- Accessorize. Add any wild accessories you have, such as belts, earrings, hair clips, jewelry, and handbags. Remember, accessories can be colorful and loud, and they don't have to match your clothes. Speaking of loud, in decora, a particular Harajuku style, accessories embellish an outfit from head to toe, and objects such as bells are sometimes used to add an aural dimension to the wardrobe.
- Go wild with your hair and makeup. The Harajuku style doesn't have to stop with your clothes. Pigtails and other "cute" hairstyles are particularly popular, as is dying your hair. Creative, even theatrical makeup can be a fun addition.
- Wear whatever looks good to you. It's been said that the Harajuku style is not really a protest against mainstream fashion and commercialism (as punk was), but rather a way of dressing in whatever looks good to you. If you think mismatched rainbow and polka-dot leggings look good with a plaid dress, go for it!
- Smile and say chiizu! If you dress Harajuku style outside of Harajuku, you'll likely draw attention from people unfamiliar with your international fashion sense. If the attention isn't positive, just smile graciously and keep going about your business. But if people ask questions or want to take pictures, strike a pose! The people in Harajuku are proud of their style, so you should be, too.
- Many people mistakenly think that dressing Harajuku style is about just "throwing things together." While the assembly of different styles and patterns might seem haphazard, it's important to put a lot of thought into your style. If you study how people dress in the Harajuku shopping district, you'll see that the intricate outfits are carefully chosen to convey a certain image that a random and thoughtless combination never could.
- Harajuku style changes very quickly. Keep up with the evolution of the style by reading publications like FRUiTS and Style-Arena.jp (see Sources and Citations below). These publications and others like them offer a wealth of pictures of Harajuku outfits and are updated weekly or monthly. If you want to dress in Harajuku style, looking at pictures is a good way to get inspired.
- "Harajuku style" is also known as "FRUiTS fashion" to those who follow the magazine, but neither of these terms are commonly used by the Japanese who epitomize style when describing themselves.
- Contrary to popular belief, Harajuku style is not just for the girls. While some variations of the style lend themselves more to females than to males (e.g. Gothic Lolita), many of the hallmarks of the style are gender-neutral. After all, it's about dressing in what looks good to you--why should girls have all the fun?
- Don't get carried away with brand loyalty. While it's OK to favor certain designer labels (especially since brand loyalty is big in Japan), Harajuku is about creating your own look, so if you appear just like the mannequins in the mall or the pictures in the catalog, you may be stylish, but you're not unique. Don't be afraid to mix that Calvin Klein dress with a used, torn and tattered pair of jeans and some combat boots.
- Also, In many places Harujuku style is very uncommon, you can't just dress the part, you have to be the part. When walking down the street people will look at you. Hold your head high, be proud of what you are wearing or else you look like a poser.
Related wikiHows
- How to Be a Gothic Lolita
- How to Dress Japanese Street Stylish
- How to Look Like a Ganguro Girl
- How to Be Kawaii
- How to Cosplay
- How to Dress in a Sari
Sources and Citations
- "Fresh Fruits" in Fused Magazine - Source of information on Harajuku sub-styles.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Dress Harajuku Style. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Kawaii Youtube Bishoujo!
Recently I was looking through Youtube and I came across the very popular and cute Tinkerchel. I found that she has been making random videos that turn our extremely cute and it inspired me to write about it. She has many videos made of her describing how cute she is and I happen to agree! Her outfits are always unique and she finds the cutest ways to deal with her hair! Her amazing ability to sing high notes adds on to her popularity, making her a big hit in Youtube. To the left is a picture of Tinkerchel. Here's one of her video from when she lost her father:
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
New Short Hair Styles
I guess it’s blog-worthy news, on this site at least, when the woman with the most famous sought after hair style since the “Farrah Fawcet,” decides to break it off with her long standing relationship with her hairdresser. Whew . . . that’s a BIG break-up . . . dare I say bigger than recent split from boyfriend, crooner, John Mayer? Come on ladies . . . it’s her HAIR!!!

READ MORE - New Short Hair Styles
Short Hair Styles
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Cosplay in Japan
The term alone is a broad overview of a much wider and more diverse culture, where these cosplayers or reiyas devote time and effort into perfecting their roles. It is not uncommon to see these individuals in public places like Tokyo's Harajuku district for it is considered a popular meeting ground. Attention to detail from simple to elaborate wigs, make-up and costumes - many of which are hand-crafted - are the highlights of observing cosplayers as a first time visitor to the city. However, even though there are a wide range of characters, the most popular ones, and fan favorites, are maid and high-school girl uniforms.
Another popular trend amongst reiyas is the smoky-eyed look; most commonly seen with those who prefer the Lolita fashion. Although Western culture attributes the role of Lolitas to underage girls, in Japan, it is not regarded that way. Those engaged in Lolita fashion do not see themselves as cosplayers, but distinct trendsetters who take great pride in their craft, ranging from Gothic to Punk. However, the inspiration for their look comes from the Victorian era, and the ensemble is mostly composed of a dress or skirt of knee-length, a headdress, petticoat, blouse, knee-high socks and platform shoes. Lolita fashion, in Japan, was believed to have started in the 1960s, and today many high-end boutiques have devoted sections to this growing trend.
Another instance where one might see 'costumes' on the streets of Japan, is during the Coming-of-Age Day festivities. This is held annually on the second Monday of January, and it is a time when young people who have reached the age of 20, are officially recognized as adult members of society. Young women can be seen wearing brightly-colored furisode (a style of kimono with long sleeves) and zori sandals. Since these outfits are considered expensive, and a little difficult to wear, the women either borrow them from relatives, rent them and prefer to get prepared in local beauty salons. For the men, the traditional dark kimono with hakama is sometimes seen, although many now prefer to wear Western suits.By Miroslav Versegi
Harajuku Cosplay
Hairstyles That Are Geared Towards Men
In this world, there are many types of hairstyles for both men and women. But not all hairstyles are suitable for men. To get the best hairstyle for men, you need to know what type of hairstyles are popular for men. Here are some of the hairstyles that are meant from men:
Butch Haircut
This is a kind of a short hair cut. It is one of the most popular among men. A clipper is used to style a butch haircut. The length of the hair on the top must be equal and hair on the side can be thinner but not necessary. Men love shorter hair because it has a more stylish and cleaner look. Some of the celebrities who do have this kind of hairstyle are Justin Timberlake and Adam Levine from Maroon 5.
This is a kind of a short hair cut. It is one of the most popular among men. A clipper is used to style a butch haircut. The length of the hair on the top must be equal and hair on the side can be thinner but not necessary. Men love shorter hair because it has a more stylish and cleaner look. Some of the celebrities who do have this kind of hairstyle are Justin Timberlake and Adam Levine from Maroon 5.
Surfer Hair
Surfer Hair is popularized by surfers. The style of a surfer hair can be attain naturally or by use of products that are made for styling a surfer hair like gel and wax. Naturally, a surfer's hair is bleach because of the sunlight and the style was caused by the sand and seawater. This is a sporty look and one of the sexiest haircuts for men. Some celebrities like Brad Pitt and David Beckham used to have this style of hair. The most popular celebrity that has a surfer hair is Owen Wilson.
Surfer Hair is popularized by surfers. The style of a surfer hair can be attain naturally or by use of products that are made for styling a surfer hair like gel and wax. Naturally, a surfer's hair is bleach because of the sunlight and the style was caused by the sand and seawater. This is a sporty look and one of the sexiest haircuts for men. Some celebrities like Brad Pitt and David Beckham used to have this style of hair. The most popular celebrity that has a surfer hair is Owen Wilson.
Harajuku Haircut
It came from Japan obviously. Harajuku style of hair is prominent in Asian countries like Japan and Taiwan. The influences of Harajuku hair comes from the combination of Hiphop, Gothic and Anime. Harajuku hair is common to dye a bright color and the hair must be razored. Yet, it is one of the famous hairstyle ever used to date since male from Asia have thus typical hairstyle.
It came from Japan obviously. Harajuku style of hair is prominent in Asian countries like Japan and Taiwan. The influences of Harajuku hair comes from the combination of Hiphop, Gothic and Anime. Harajuku hair is common to dye a bright color and the hair must be razored. Yet, it is one of the famous hairstyle ever used to date since male from Asia have thus typical hairstyle.
Side Swept Bangs
This is one of the most common haircuts in Hollywood. Zac Efron is good example for a Side Swept Bangs Haircut. It can be more convenient to guys since it doesn't require a lot of hair products. This gives a flattering look and a confident feeling. With a man wearing this kind of haircut, the first thing that another person will look to him is his eyes. Other celebrities who have this kind of haircut are Chace Crawford, Brandon Routh and David Cook.
This is one of the most common haircuts in Hollywood. Zac Efron is good example for a Side Swept Bangs Haircut. It can be more convenient to guys since it doesn't require a lot of hair products. This gives a flattering look and a confident feeling. With a man wearing this kind of haircut, the first thing that another person will look to him is his eyes. Other celebrities who have this kind of haircut are Chace Crawford, Brandon Routh and David Cook.
Cornrow Hairstyle
Cornrow Hairstyle sometimes referred to us braiding. People who usually have this hairstyle came from the genre of reggae and r&b. It is not just braiding, but the braiding needs to be close in the scalp. Usually, these are made by a straight style, but in cornrow hairstyle, it has a variety of design. Celebrities that are known by having this hairstyle are Allen Iverson and Sean Paul.
Cornrow Hairstyle sometimes referred to us braiding. People who usually have this hairstyle came from the genre of reggae and r&b. It is not just braiding, but the braiding needs to be close in the scalp. Usually, these are made by a straight style, but in cornrow hairstyle, it has a variety of design. Celebrities that are known by having this hairstyle are Allen Iverson and Sean Paul.
These are hairstyles that catered just for men. All of these are geared towards men but some of the haircuts might be liked by women to have.By Arjuna Bravia
Harajuku Hair Style
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Japanese Hairstyles latest Trends 2010

Hot. Cute. Trendy. These are all words that describe the latest Japanese haircuts. The Japanese naturally have hair that is sleek and shiny and their styles always show off that asset. Westerners are often looking to the Japanese to find styles that will let them mimic those hot looks. If you want to sport the latest Japanese hairstyle, go for short and sassy cuts.
One great Japanese hairstyle is the modern bob. Get your hairdresser to cut your hair into a bob and add feathery layers all over. This will add volume and texture (great for those with fine hair) and a bit of height. Try out different length layers and turn this cut into one of your own. Add highlights for some spice. This is a great style for anyone because it’s so easy to adapt.
The medium slice is another popular haircut. This is perfect for medium straight hair and this cut has heavy graduation. A razor is used to texture your hair so go to a reputable hairdresser to avoid damage. This is great for thick hair and good for those with thin hair if volume is added. This style is sassy and gorgeous day or night.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
New Hair cuts
Summer is always a fun time to do a little makeover. Many women like to change their hairstyle and color during this time period. Summer is a bright and vibrant season so the hair needs to scream this.
New Hair cuts
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
2010 Sweet Mens Hairstyles
In 2010, what kind of hairstyle for men will be popular? In order to following the fashion, we can see the latest fashions and hairstyles for men by watching the academy awards and the Oscars. There are so many popular hair styles there, you can get a lot hair ideas for you next hair cut. We can also see the latest new hairstyles on the reality shows like Blowout and Real World. A great hairstyle can make a average person or even a ugly duckling a knockout on Blowout. Here are some great mens hairstyles for 2010 that are guaranteed to make you look better or at least make a statement.

2010 Sweet Mens Hairstyles
pink Emo Hairstyles for Girls
Emo Hairstyles for Girls
Punk Emo Hairstyles
Emo Hairstyles for Girls
Punk Emo Hairstyles
Emo Hairstyles Ideas
Our new generation of boys and girls now are more expressive on their looks but they also try to be unique in expressing their individuality by expressing their selves by wearing Emo hairstyles.
It is also better to have it dyed by looking for colors that will match your skin type as well. Emo hairstyles are already common and accepted these days, if you want to start a fad, try Emo Hairstyles.
Before deciding to have an Punk Emo Hairstyles, consider its maintenance and be prepared of being more creative and having fun! Why is it called “Emo”?
It means different things for different people or it is also an expression of your true self. Some parents hated this kind of hairstyle but others are also intrigued on this unique style.
Here are some examples of Emo hairstyles:
• Short Emo Hairstyles – this cut involves a short and spiky cut with very long bangs that is brushed to one side, it essentially covers the eye. This cut is more common to males.
• Long Emo Hairstyles – this entails a long and shaggy cut. The same as the short Emo style, bangs are also worn to one side of the face with the right side being the more popular. This type of Emo was commonly preferred by females with the long bangs in front and the hair is usually layered yet, other males prefer longer version too.
• Emo Hairstyles with Bangs – sporting an Emo bangs is easier for those who have a straight hair. However, if you have curly and wavy hair you can still wear Emo bangs but you need to go to great lengths to maintain its trademark look.
There are now handy tools that will help you in creating the wall of long bangs to achieve the true Emo Hairstyles look, hair irons, hair straighteners and blow dryers.
If you still want something new with Emo Hairstyles, consider adding highlights or coloring the bangs with a shade that is real eye catching.
pink Emo Hairstyles for Girls
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