If you are one who is constantly keeping yourself updated on the latest fashion trends including new hairstyles and the likes, you would most likely have heard of the spiral perm. It is a modern and stylish look that can suit many different face shapes, personalities and occasions. Let's take a look at just what the spiral perm is.

First and foremost, the spiral perm is a form of permanent perm to give you a wavy look. The results of the spiral perm varies with the wearer's hair, width of the perming rods used, the hairstylist's skills as well as the chemicals that are used to give set the waves. It is often seen as a adaptation of the high-volume 80s look of this style.
When we talk about the spiral perm, it has a lot to do with the techniques that are used; instead of rollers, perming rods are used. It is also highly suitable for those with longer hair as these perming rods can accommodate the full extent of the hair length. After being treated with specific chemicals, the hair is wrapped around the rods before leaving it for a period. Finally, the neutralizer will be used to set the waves.

A good spiral perm will tend to look like a cascade of cockscrew curls. It will also last at least 6 months or so if the perm is a high quality one. For that matter, there are special products which you can use where perm care is involved to help give you a longer-lasting perm.